Yes, absolutely. The diseases the immunizations are supposed to target are virtually non-existent today mostly due to improved hygiene and living conditions-especially in the USA. It makes no sense to vaccinate against diseases that are no longer a threat or are virtually non-existent today. There seems to be no difference in active cases of these diseases - even in countries where no vaccinations are given. The injection of foreign proteins into the body is risky regardless, especially since it is not known what the long-term hazards or consequences of these injections may be (not to mention the side effects caused by the additives in these vaccinations such as aluminum). Every vaccine is associated with risks and contraindications - these risks outweigh the risk of getting the disease. It is a suspicion that vaccinations have or are causing autoimmune diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, Lou Gehrig's, lupus erythematosus and Guillian Barre syndrome. The vaccines themselves actually cause the disease they are suppose to prevent. Since the immunizations are injections of the disease, the best way to avoid the diseases is to not be vaccinated!
Vaccines: DPT: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) tetanus; polio(myelitis); smallpox; MMR: mumps, measles, rubella (German measles); chicken pox; scarlet fever; meningitis; tuberculosis (SIDS linked to vaccines)